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The magic of people and places that work well together


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What we do

We offer Enneagram workshops, 1:1 life coaching, leadership coaching and team space.


Are you in transition? Surfing life change? Looking for stronger relationships with others at home
or work? In 1:1 settings we walk alongside you, enabling you to re-write your story, extend your potential and walk your spiritual pathway. In
a professional context we offer profound leadership development
for individuals and teams. 

About The Enneagram

The Enneagram is an ancient symbol found in sacred geometry - an ever-moving map of movement, connection, flow and change. Philosopher George Gurdjieff emphasises its vital insight into anything we may hope to understand with human experience: personality, identity, relationship and beyond.

Alexa Young, CA

“Testimonials provide a sense of what it's like to work with you or use your products. Change the text and add your own."


Helen stands out as one of very few UK Enneagram professionals to combine long-term HRD and organisation development expertise with a long-term professional Enneagram practice.


Book Your Spot

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