2024 Workshop
What we do
Leadership, corporate, organisational, executive coaching and work in team settings. We walk alongside individuals on their personal and spiritual paths.

Hi, I’m Helen
Welcome to
Positive Space
I’m a leadership coach, team facilitator and personal life coach specialising in The Enneagram. I believe that life and work can always be a more positive experience than the one we’ve settled for, whatever we find ourselves caught up with right now. It’s my experience and true for many clients too, that life can become more uplifting, productive and deeply satisfying, whatever that may look like for each of us in the different areas of our lives. Long forgotten dreams, new-found hopes and needed outcomes; these and more may come to fruition, perhaps in unexpected ways, when we’re proactively and consciously co-creating life. And none of us can do this work alone. It takes support and demands community. My life’s work is about helping people, teams and businesses thrive, change and become more of what they seek to be.
This work takes me into leadership, corporate, organisational, executive coaching and team settings. I also walk alongside individuals on their personal and spiritual paths. We used to see these as separate, but I notice ever more integration across the domains of professional, personal and wider canvas of ‘what’s being called for’; a shift reflected in my own work too.
I set up Positive Space to offer services and support to people on this same journey to living and working more fully. It’s a road I’ve taken myself, with a destination that’s yet to be reached! And as I go, life is richer, more relaxed – and more fun – with each passing year. Meanwhile, the work I do with clients is richer and more powerful too.
About The Enneagram
The Enneagram is an ancient symbol found in sacred geometry (see Enneagram Alive for more information). An ever-moving map of connection, flow and change. The philosopher Gurdjieff said it could give insight into anything we might hope to understand. Today, The Enneagram is best-known as an astonishingly accurate map of human experience: personality, identity and relationship.
The Enneagram symbol shows nine ways of being, nine essential qualities that shape our feelings, thoughts and actions. It’s a map where action, psychology and spirit are clearly drawn yet inseparable. We each have a point on this map [also named a type or home base] that is ours for life. Each point has a strong energetic drive and distinct, positive spiritual quality that drives our greatest longing and our keenest disappointment. It’s where we may shine in the world and in relationship. We may not see these qualities in ourselves, while others see them clearly. So the symbol shows nine ways we lose sight of who we really are and how we may get back on track. How to connect more truly with our own essence, with people, place, spirit and life’s full potential.