Mat-walks, Creativity
& Your Enneagram
5 Point Star
I’m delighted to be offering this workshop at the
IEA European Conference Programme in Amsterdam on 7 June.
I’m in great company alongside Russ Hudson, Belinda Gore, Marion Gilbert and many more leading names in the Enneagram world, including UK/Irish colleagues Therese Ryan and Robert Hutchinson.
The conference theme is ‘Stepping Forward and Moving Beyond’ emphasising how The Enneagram is simply an academic or theoretical model, but in truth so much more. A catalyst and a resource for taking action in our lives and in the world.
Matwalks, Creativity & Your Enneagram 5 Point Star
My workshop is summarised on the programme and shown here for quick reference: https://www.ieanetherlands.com/en/conference/helen-english
We each have a 5-point star on the Enneagram in a particular constellation. 5 points that hold our vital energy and capabilities yet perhaps imbalanced, with some points dormant while others dominate. Surely, it pays to appreciate and use this inner resource?
Join me to discover more about your own 5-point star, with curiosity, compassion and a playful note. To begin, a brief presentation on a Taoist orientation to Enneagram work and presence, including energy flow and movement within the symbol.
We’ll move quickly on to mat-walks, working in Circle format around a powerful Enneagram mat. One or two people will work individually on the mat, able to feel into and experience their own 5-point constellation. Together, we’ll see how mat-work illumines our essential qualities and capabilities, builds courage and confidence.
A creative artwork activity (no artistic skill required!) follows, to bring your 5-point star to life in a very different way. This often brings surprising insights! Pair work will help ground our learning.
We’ll explore how best to use these methods in our practice, and with clients if applicable. A workshop to help nurture personal resilience, power and efficacy in all we do: in Stepping Forward and Moving Beyond.